Thursday, February 18, 2010

Letters from Lockdown: Day 2

In case you didn't already know my doctor put me on bed rest Tuesday due to high blood pressure and crazy insane swelling. I had to finish out the rest of the day because I already had two meetings scheduled. So Wednesday was my first day and today is Day 2. I feel like I have been given a prison sentence, which is odd because I LOVE being lazy, watching TV, and lounging around the house in my PJs. There is just something about being told that I HAVE to that makes it not as fun.

Speaking of fun, the doctor's office called me today and reported that my 24 hours urine collection results were good. I would like to just say that collecting my own pee for 24 hours was probably one of THE MOST DISGUSTING things I have ever done in my entire life. They give you this big gallon jug, which unlike a gallon of milk, is more long that round. So lets just get a mental picture of how that works for a female. You have to pull your pants and underwear pretty much off because you have to totally straddle the toilet and squat to get that thing in between your legs yet over the toilet. You want it over the toilet, because trust me, pee is going to go in other places besides in that jug. I peed in the jug, on the jug, on my hand. on the seat of the toilet, some in the floor and I'm pretty sure I peed on my night gown at one point during one of many of my middle of the night pees. I was thoroughly disgusted with myself when I got up yesterday morning. Wrapping up that jug (after wiping it down with Clorox wipes of course), putting it in my car, and taking it into the doctor's office was one of the happiest moments ever. I hope I never have to do that again. Now I just have to disinfect my bathroom!

However, I am relived that the results were good. My blood test also came back good, so no signs of toxemia. I go back to the doctor tomorrow to have my blood pressure re-tested and to talk about our options from there. Dr. Chauhan told me on Tuesday that I would absolutely not have to go past next Friday the 26th. However, depending on my blood pressure she may induce before then. We also are unsure if I will be able to deliver vaginally. I had an ultrasound on Tuesday and we learned that Miss Adalyn already weighs approx. 8 lbs. Shes a whopper! I'm happy she is so healthy, but Mommy is so miserable. I could literally just start screaming or crying at any point of the day. My back just feels like it could snap at any moment. I guess that is what an extra 70lbs will do for you. I can't really focus on the amount of weight that I have gained because in this extremely sensitive emotional state that I am currently in, I would probably cut myself! Anyway, after my pelvic exam, Dr. Chauhan feels that Addy has "retreated" and has not dropped, she is now further up than she was the week before. She is hiding!! Taking her size into consideration, my doctor feels like her head may be preventing her from dropping, and without dropping there isn't enough pressure on my pelvis to start dilation. GgggrrRRrrrrr. So, I'm looking forward to tomorrow to see what she will tell me.

I have not left my house today. But I have to say that the day wasn't all bad. My supervisor Barbara and two of my co-workers, including my sweet friend Carrie, came by my house this morning. They surprised me, I thought I was meeting with Barbara for work. They showed up with gifts in hand! They had a shower scheduled for me at work this morning, but my bed rest threw off their plans, so they had to bring the shower to me. My whole office met this morning and Barbara videoed them talking to me as if it was the shower. It was so sweet, such a wonderful surprise. I work for really awesome people, and I have really awesome co-workers. I am very lucky. Also, my Mom came today to keep my company and help around the house. It has been nice having someone here, Without her I probably would have attempted escape at least once....being on lock down is hard!


  1. Hang in there, you're almost done! I hope your appointment went well today!
