Friday, January 29, 2010

Cranky, Crazy, and Emotional

I am proud to say that until this point, I really do not think I have been that crazy pregnant woman that you read about or see on TV. I have tried very hard to keep things in our life as normal as possible.

I have only had 2 major emotional outbursts. The first was way early like around 4 months when we were getting ready to travel to a family wedding and I didn't have anything pretty that fit anymore. I did sit in our bedroom closet and cry hysterically, but we survived. The second was at the first doctor's appointment that I managed to gain 11 lbs in 4 weeks (yes, that happened more than once!). I cried like a maniac through the entire appointment.

I have not become overly dependant on my husband for things at home. I have managed to do the same amount of housework that I have always done and have only asked for help in carrying laundry downstairs.

I have not physically threatened my husband in any way or sent him out in the middle of the night to feed any bizarre cravings.

So I've done pretty good, right? Until now! Why is it this week that everything has pissed me off or hurt my feelings, or made me cry? I am out of control, seriously. Pooh jumped on me the other night and scratched me in like 3 different places. Yes it stung...but I cried...a lot! It hurt my feelings! He is a dog, he didn't mean to, but I took it so personally! I have hated everyone at work this week and just hated my job in general. I have found it extremely difficult to be kind and compassionate and I am a social worker, its my job! I have been rolling my eyes and huffing and puffing while waiting in lines at Target or the grocery store like people should just move and let me go first and I even flipped a guy off in the Babies R Us parking lot for not slowing down in the pedestrian crossing...OK maybe he deserved that, I mean really, does it make you feel good to mow down pregnant women with your Escalade a-hole? My poor husband and dogs have gotten on my very last nerve. I've yelled at snapped and looked at them with the evil eye many times and they haven't done anything, I'm just mean! I don't sleep well and I find myself in the middle of the night just crying because I'm so uncomfortable and so pissed that I'm not asleep. Again, crazy. Now to top it off, this lovely snow/sleet/ice storm is probably going to cause our showers to be cancelled this weekend. I have been looking forward to them so much. I've been crying all day and in the worst mood. I just want to throw something at the snow! It is no one's fault, it is just one of those things, but I'm taking this personally too! I am thinking bad thoughts about all those stupid little kids outside loving the snow.

I hope this passes. I don't know if poor Justin will survive 4 more weeks of this, I don't know if I will survive 4 more weeks of this...I'm a loon.


  1. David and i are thinking about you guys. Please let us know if there is anything we can do! I'm an excellent dog sitter! :)

  2. When I was towards the end of my pregnancy I was very tired, and uncomfortable, laying in bed petting the cat one night. All of a sudden he turned around and bit me(not abnormal for him...that's how he plays and he does it all the time). But this time he bit me on the nose. I lost it. I just started crying hysterically. Poor Justin sat there hugging me and trying not to laugh. I feel you. :) Hang in there!

  3. Lol!! You crack me will get better! You can always call and vent/slash cuss me out if it will make you feel better. And i think Pooh did it on purpose...jk!! :) Love ya....Hang in there Mama!!!
