Monday, January 11, 2010


I am so mad at the University of Memphis that I could go up there and be VERY ugly right now....don't they know that pissing off a pregnant woman is not advisable! I am in quite a dilemma with my classes. Before pregnancy my plan was to be student teaching this semester (Spring 10). I would take the last class that I have left in the summer then my master's project in the fall of 2010 and graduate in December. When we found out I was pregnant, this changed a little and pushed everything back a semester. I am not able to student teach this semester, obviously, since I will be giving birth first of March and then out for 6 weeks. I wouldn't be able to get in enough hours to get credit as student teaching is 16 weeks. So I decided to go ahead and take my last class, Intro to Grad Research this semester, rest during the summer, student teach in the fall, Grad project spring 2011 and graduate May 2011. Justin and I have been preparing for this fall since we found out I was pregnant. We knew that I would not be working (or working 40 hours/week for FREE) so we have been getting our finances in order so that I would be able to do it, along with having a new born, and possibly trying to keep my job at Compass part time. I was scared, but prepared and ready! I logged onto my school account today to see that fees are due this Wednesday and my financial aid had not yet posted. So I called and they informed me that you must be enrolled in at least 5 hours to get financial one class is 3 hours. I asked if there were any exceptions, since I honestly don't have any other classes I could take. Of course the answer is no. We can't afford to pay my tuition at this time out of pocket....we have a baby due in 7 weeks!!!! Sooooooooo, it looks like I will be putting off graduation until December 2011! My baby will be almost 2! We can save money so that I can take the class this fall and pay for it out of pocket, student teach in spring 2011, Grad project fall 2011 and graduate December 2011. That seems like f-o-r-e-v-e-r. I do not have this kind of time people....I would like to be out of school and actually using my degree before I am 100 years old!


  1. Is there not another (EASY!) class you could add on just to get the aid?? Even if it's not necessary for your degree?

    That stinks that your graduation's being pushed back... of course, Adalyn sure will be worth the added frustration!

  2. It's ironic! That is how I spent my day, too...fighting with the U of M! :)
    Even though it may not be turning out exactly the way you had hoped and planned, just remember that it always turns out the way it is supposed to. You are going to be so much more happy with the situation once Adalyn gets here and you don't have to worry about doing homework for your class, or reading for your class, or anything related to your class.
    Also, you'll have to keep reminding yourself (like I have to ALL the time), that, hey, at least you are graduating! There are so many people that I have met (in the 100 years I have been in school...ha!) that start back to college after being out for a few years and they never finish! So, just remember that, even if it's not exactly when you wanted, that you ARE graduating--and that's pretty awesome!
